Desktop and Laptop Only in the License Summary Report

The Desktop and Laptop Only view of the License Summary Report displays the jobs that ran on client computers with the Laptop and Desktop license, the amount of license the jobs used, and the client computers that did not contribute to license usage.

Included Components

For a complete list of components covered by the Desktop and Laptop license, see Product License Types.

Where to Access the Report

To view this report, in the License Summary Report, in the Other Licenses table, under License, click Desktop & Laptop Only.

Desktop and Laptop Only usages

The Desktop and Laptop Only usages table displays each job that ran on a desktop or laptop covered by the Laptop and Desktop license and how much of the license the job used.



License ID

The ID that is assigned to the license.


The type of license associated with the server.

Client ID

The ID assigned to the client computer.


The laptop or desktop where the job ran.

Job ID

The ID assigned to the job.

Job Type

The type of job that ran, such as Backup.

Agent ID

The ID that is assigned to the agent type.


The type of agent installed on the client computer, such as Windows File System.

Instance ID

The ID that is assigned to the instance.


The instance where the job ran. If there is on instance, the cell displays N/A.

Backup Set ID

The ID that is assigned to the backup set.

Backup Set

The backup set where the job ran.

Subclient ID

The ID that is assigned to the subclient.


The subclient that was backed up.

Storage Policy ID

The ID that is assigned to the storage policy.

Storage Policy

The storage policy associated with the job.


The amount of license consumed.

Organization ID

The ID that is assigned to the organization.


The organization that owns the client computer.


The plan that is associated with the client computer.

Desktops and Laptops Only without usage

The Desktops and Laptops only without usage table displays a list of laptops and desktops where jobs did not consume any of the Laptop and Desktop license.



Client ID

The ID assigned to the client computer.


The laptop or desktop where no jobs ran.


The organization that owns the laptop or desktop.


The name of the plan that protects the server. If a plan is not associated with the server, then the cell appears blank.

Organization ID

The ID that is assigned to the organization.


The organization that owns the server.


The name of the plan that protects the server. If a plan is not associated with the server, then the cell appears blank.
