Preparing Your Environment for Cleanroom Recovery

Prepare production workloads, Azure Cleanroom and Commvault environment to perform a recovery into a Cleanroom site.

Production Workloads

Complete the steps listed below to prepare production workloads.

Azure Cleanroom

Complete the steps listed below to prepare Azure Cleanroom.

1. Verify the Subscription

Ensure your Azure Cleanroom subscription has been created.

2. Verify the Resource Providers are Enabled in Azure Cleanroom

The following Resource Providers must be enabled in Azure Cleanroom:

  • microsoft.Storage
  • microsoft.SerialConsole
  • microsoft.ResourceNotifications
  • microsoft.ResourceGraph
  • microsoft.Portal
  • microsoft.OperationalInsights
  • microsoft.Network
  • microsoft.MarketplaceOrdering
  • microsoft.MarketplaceNotfications
  • microsoft.MachineLearning
  • microsoft.GuestConfiguration
  • microsoft.Features
  • microsoft.CostManagement
  • microsoft.Consumption
  • microsoft.Compute
  • microsoft.Commerce
  • microsoft.CloudShell
  • microsoft.ClassicSubscription
  • microsoft.ChangeAnalysis
  • microsoft.Billing
  • microsoft.Authorization
  • microsoft.ADHybridHealthService

3. Create an Azure App Registration for Commvault

Verify that an App Registrationhas been created for Commvault with correct permissions for the entire Cleanroom subscription and for the Storage Account (Storage Account Contributor and Storage Blob Data Contributor).

4. Verify the Staging Storage Account

Verify that the Resource Group and Storage Account is created with accurate configuration in the region where the VMs will be recovered (only locally-redundant storage (LRS) and StorageV2-general purpose v2-accounts are supported).

5. Set Up a Virtual Network for Cleanroom Recovered VMs

6. Set Up a Virtual Network for Commvault Access Nodes

Create an additional virtual network where the auto-scaled access nodes will be created. This virtual network should have inbound and outbound connectivity to the Cleanroom recovered Control Plane (CommServe).

The following ports must be open on the additional virtual network:

  • 8400 and 8403 for Control Plane connectivity
  • 443 for AGP connectivity

Commvault Environment

Complete the steps listed below to prepare Commvault environment.

1. Verify the Commvault Version

Verify that you are using Commvault Platform Release 2024 (11.34.13) or a more recent version.

2. Upload CommServe Disaster Recovery (DR) Backups on Commvault Cloud

Verify that the Commvault CommServe DR backups are uploaded to Commvault Cloud.

3. Access Cloud Command

Verify that you are able to access Commvault Cloud.

4. Verify Auxiliary Copies on Air Gap Protect

  • Verify that auxiliary copy jobs on Air Gap Protect are not fallen behind and at least one full backup is completed and hosted in Cleanroom to perform recovery.
  • Verify the jobs available inside the Air Gap Protect copy and ensure that there is at least one full backup per VM.
  • Verify that the Air Gap Protect region and the Cleanroom target region are the same.

For more information, see the following topics:

5. Create a Cleanroom Hypervisor

While this task can be done in the Cleanroom using the recovered control plane, every time Cleanroom spins up it should be repeated. To stay prepared in advance, create the Cleanroom Hypervisor(s) on the production Control Plane (CommServe).

6. Enable Auto-Scaling for Access Nodes

While this task can be done in the Cleanroom using the recovered Control Plane, every time Cleanroom spins up it should be repeated. To stay prepared in advance, enable auto-scaling for Azure access nodes in the production Control Plane (CommServe).

7. Create a Cleanroom Recovery Target

While this task can be performed in the Cleanroom using the recovered Control Plane, every time the Cleanroom spins up, you must repeat this step. To stay prepared in advance, create the Cleanroom targets on the production Control Plane (CommServe).

8. Create Cleanroom Recovery Groups

While this task can be performed in the Cleanroom using the recovered Control Plane, every time the Cleanroom spins up, you must repeat this step. To stay prepared in advance, create the Cleanroom recovery group(s) on the production Control Plane (CommServe).

9. Consistent Backups

For VMs with databases, configure pre-scripts or application-aware backups for consistent backups.

For more information, see the following topics:

10. Control Plane (CommServe) DR Backups on Commvault Cloud

Log on to Commvault Cloud with your credentials and verify that the latest Control Plane (CommServe) DR Backups are uploaded.
