Migrate Backup Vendor Archives to Commvault

Commvault provides a Data Import solution that you can use to import historical long-term data protected by a third-party backup vendor software to the Commvault repository. The third-party backup jobs are restored as files, and then backed up using the Commvault File System agent. The Data Import solution allows importing file data along with attributes such as ACL, modified time, and creation time, as long as the source third-party application supports restoring these attributes.

After you migrate the data, users can access and manage the files from the Command Center.


The Data Import app is accessible only for the Commvault Professional Services team. To use the app, contact your account representative and discuss a Professional Services engagement. To enable third-party migration for supported agents, contact your Sales or Customer Success team for assistance with purchasing the app.

Key Features

  • Fast and efficient mechanism to migrate large number of files to the Commvault storage.

  • Protect the data by scheduling backups to Commvault storage.

  • Search the files based on custom properties from the Command Center.

Supported Workloads

Data import supports the import of file system and virtual machine data from the third-party backup vendor. Refer to individual vendor data import documentation for more information.
