The servers details page displays the following information:
The server name
The server type, Linux File System, or Windows File System
The Operating System version
The software update information, for example, "Up to date"
You can perform the following operations on the active server details page:
The agent details page contains the following information:
The agent name
The date that the software was installed
The software version
The data protection activity
The security that is associated with the agent
The backup sets that are configured on the agent
You can perform the following operations on the agent details page:
View the agent job history. For information on the job history, see Jobs.
To view the backup history, in the upper-right of the page, click Backup History.
To view the restore history, in the upper-right of the page click Restore History.
Modify the security settings. You can change the owner, or the group that is associated with the server.
For more information, see Security.
Delete a backup set. In the Actions column for the backup set, click the action button
, and then click Delete.
Note: You cannot delete the default backup set.
Add a subclient.
View the backup set job history.
To view the backup history, in the Actions column for the backup set, click the action button
, and then click Backup History.
To view the restore history, in the Actions column for the backup set, click the action button
, and then click Restore History.
Subclients contain the specific data that you want to protect. You can map drives to subclients.
Create subclients when you have data that needs different RPOs (recovery point objectives) or retention times.
The subclient details page displays the following information:
The latest backup information
The date and time of the next backup
The data storage policy
The content that is included in the subclient
The security that is associate with the subclient
The following operations are available on the subclient details page:
Change the plan.
Delete a subclient. In the upper-right of the page, click Delete.
Note: You cannot delete the default subclient.
Change the subclient content.
View the subclient job history. For information on the job history, see Jobs.
To view the backup history, in the upper-right of the page, click Backup History.
To view the restore history, in the upper-right of the page, click Restore History.
Optimized Backup of Hard Link Files
To enable optimized backup of hard link files on UNIX file system, see Configuring Backups for Hard Links.