Applies to: Only on-premises environments and self-managed cloud environments
You can perform an on-demand backup of the etcd database.
The shell and the etcdctl command must be available on the etcd pod.
If the Rancher etcd backup fails to create the
folder, then you must manually create the folder at the following path:/var/lib/rancher/rke2/server/db/etcd/etcdsnapdir
Before You Begin
To back up etcd, you must first enable etcd backups for the cluster.
From the navigation pane, go to Protect > Kubernetes.
The Overview page appears.
In the Name column, click the cluster.
The cluster page appears.
On the Application groups tab, in the etcd (system generated) row, click the action button
, and then select Backup.
The Backup options dialog box appears.
For Backup type, select the backup type.
Click Submit.