Support for Vanilla Kubernetes Resources

This page lists the Vanilla Kubernetes namespaced and non-namespaced objects and resources that Commvault supports.

Supported Resources

Namespaced Resources

  • configmaps

  • cronjobs

  • daemonsets

  • endpointslices

  • horizontalpodautoscalers

  • ingresses

  • jobs

  • leases

  • limitranges

  • networkpolicies

  • persistentvolumeclaims

  • poddisruptionbudgets

  • pods

  • replicasets

  • resourcequotas

  • rolebindings

  • roles

  • routes

  • secrets

  • serviceaccounts

  • services

  • statefulsets

  • volumesnapshots

Non-Namespaced Resources

  • clusterrolebindings

  • clusterroles

  • customresourcedefinitions

  • namespaces

  • persistentvolumes

  • storageclasses


API resources from a Red Hat OpenShift 4.10 cluster with calico, Rook-Ceph CSI driver, and Kafka installed.

Unsupported Resources

Namespaced Resources

  • bindings (No access to GET, CREATE, DELETE is available using the Kubernetes API.)

  • cephblockpools

  • cephbucketnotifications

  • cephbuckettopics

  • cephclients

  • cephclusters

  • cephfilesystemmirrors

  • cephfilesystems

  • cephfilesystemsubvolumegroups

  • cephnfses

  • cephobjectrealms

  • cephobjectstores

  • cephobjectstoreusers

  • cephobjectzonegroups

  • cephobjectzones

  • cephrbdmirrors

  • controllerrevisions

  • csistoragecapacities

  • endpoints

  • events (No access to GET, CREATE, DELETE is available using the Kubernetes API.)

  • localsubjectaccessreviews (No access to GET, CREATE, DELETE is available using the Kubernetes API.)

  • objectbucketclaims

  • podtemplates

  • replicationcontrollers

Non-Namespaced Resources

  • apiservers

  • apiservices

  • bgpconfigurations

  • bgppeers

  • blockaffinities

  • caliconodestatuses

  • certificatesigningrequests

  • clusterinformations

  • componentstatuses

  • csidrivers

  • csinodes

  • felixconfigurations

  • flowschemas

  • globalnetworkpolicies

  • globalnetworksets

  • hostendpoints

  • imagesets

  • ingressclasses

  • installations

  • ipamblocks

  • ipamconfigs

  • ipamhandles

  • ippools

  • ipreservations

  • kubecontrollersconfigurations

  • mutatingwebhookconfigurations

  • nodes

  • objectbuckets

  • podsecuritypolicies

  • priorityclasses

  • prioritylevelconfigurations

  • profiles

  • runtimeclasses

  • selfsubjectaccessreviews

  • selfsubjectrulesreviews

  • subjectaccessreviews

  • tigerastatuses

  • tokenreviews

  • validatingwebhookconfigurations

  • volumeattachments

  • volumesnapshotclasses

  • volumesnapshotcontents


Resource list for Vanilla Kubernetes 1.23 install with Calico and Rook-Ceph CSI driver.
