Use this tab to configure following advanced options for a subclient:
Number of Data Readers
Specify the number of simultaneous backup data streams allowed for the subclient.
Select VM Client Group
Select an existing client computer group from the list to add all virtual machines for the subclient to the group. When a group is assigned for a subclient, the assignment is performed during virtual machine discovery, and replaces any previous VM assignments for the group.
Auto Detect VM Owner
Select to automatically identify virtual machine owners based on vCenter capabilities. Any user with Remove VM, VM Power On, and VM Power Off capabilities for a virtual machine will be assigned as an owner of that VM during VM discovery.
Single sign on must be enabled on the vCenter and required vCenter capabilities must be configured for users and groups. Users or user groups defined in vCenter must also be defined in the CommCell interface, either through a local user definition or a Name Server user definition (such as an Active Directory user or group).
By default, the backup of any virtual machine is performed by one of the proxies assigned to the VMware vCenter client. The first proxy in the list (the coordinator proxy) distributes virtual machines across the available proxies for the virtualization client.
You can add, remove, or change the sequence of proxies to be used for backups of virtual machines in the subclient. Proxies specified at the subclient level override the proxy list at the instance level.
Click Add to select proxies to assign to the subclient.
Select a proxy and click Remove to remove the proxy from the list of assigned proxies.
Select a proxy and click the up arrow or down arrow
to change the order of the proxies.
Clients / Client Groups
Displays the list of clients or client groups that are assigned as proxies for the subclient.
Proxy ESX Server
You can specify an ESX host that is used to mount snapshots for backups.
To use the Live File Recovery feature, you must identify an ESX server that can be used to mount an NFS datastore, which enables browsing and restoring files and folders from backup data. The ESX server version installed and the default VM compatibility setting on the host server must be the same as or higher than the ESX server version on the production server.
Virtual Center / ESX Server
Select the vCenter or ESX server to use for mounting datastores.
You can select the vCenter where the source VMs reside or a different vCenter.
Select ESX server for snap mount
Click to specify an ESX server to use for mounting snapshots.
Display the fully qualified host name or IP address for the host that is selected for datastore mounts.
Exclude from SLA and Strike Counts
When this option is selected, the subclient is excluded from the SLA (Service Level Agreement) calculation and the Client Strike calculation for the Worldwide Dashboard, CommCell Dashboard, SLA Report, and Client Strike Count Report. When this option is cleared, the subclient is included in these calculations.