Restoring as a Virtual Lab for VMware

You can restore VMware backups as virtual labs in an isolated environment to test or verify your backups. To set up the Restore as Lab feature for Virtual Labs, you must create a Virtual Lab Policy that contains settings for the restore destination and the isolated or external network. After you have restored a VM backup as a virtual lab, you can manage the virtual lab on Web Console.

You can restore the following VMware backups as virtual labs:

  • Streaming backups

  • IntelliSnap backups

  • IntelliSnap backup copies


This includes the primary and auxiliary copies.

Before You Begin


  1. From the CommCell Browser, go to Client Computers > virtualization_client > Virtual Server > VMware > backup_set.

  2. Right-click a subclient and then select Browse and Restore.

  3. In the Browse and Restore Options dialog box, select Virtual Lab, and click View Content.

  4. Select the VMs that you want to restore as a virtual lab, and then click Recover All Selected.

  5. In the Restore Options for All Selected Items dialog box, configure the virtual lab settings:

    1. From the Virtual Lab Policy list, select the virtual lab policy that you want to use for this restore.

    2. To power on the virtual lab after the restore is complete, select Power On Virtual Lab after creation, and then in the Priority list, specify the order in which the VMs should be powered on.

    3. To specify the wait limit for powering on each virtual machine in the lab, next to Maximum Wait Time, type or select a number of minutes.

    4. To power on the next VM, in order of priority, if a VM cannot be powered on, select Proceed to next priority on failure.

  6. Click OK.


After the restore operation completes, a virtual lab named Lab_RestoreJobID appears in the Virtual Labs application on Web Console. Each VM in the virtual lab is named VirtualMachineName*_*RestoreJobID. You can manage this lab and the virtual machines on Web Console with the available options.

What To Do Next
