Multi-Web Console Single Sign-On (SSO) Overview

You can log on to a Web Console with a single set of credentials and access multiple Web Consoles and Command Centers without being prompted to log on again. You can allow all of the users in the CommCell environment to use Multi-Web Console SSO, or you can limit the feature to specific users.

Set up Multi-Web Console SSO according to your environment:

  • Single CommCell Environment

    Use the setup for a single CommCell environment if all of your Web Consoles and Command Centers are in the same CommCell environment. For this setup, you define one Web Console as the identity provider (IdP) at the client computer group level or at the CommServe level and add the bEnableCvAccountsSSO additional setting to each participating service provider (SP) Web Console and Command Center.

  • Multiple CommCell Environments

    Use the setup for multiple CommCell environments if your Web Consoles are in multiple CommCell environments. For this setup, you define one Web Console as the identity provider (IdP) and import IdP metadata to each participating service provider (SP) Web Console.
