Moving a Mount Path

You can move a mount path from one location to another location on the same MediaAgent or across different MediaAgents. The destination path can be a local path or a network path. When you move a mount path, the deduplicated and non-deduplicated data that resides on the mount path is moved to the new location.

Moving a mount path is recommended in the following scenarios:

  • You want to move to another location that has more storage capacity.

  • You want to move to a faster disk media.

When you move a mount path, the system performs the following steps:

  • Disables the pruning of data present on the mount path.

  • Validates the source and the destination mount path folders.

  • Copies the full volumes from the source mount path folder to the destination mount path folder. (Phase 1 of the job.)

    During phase 1, operations like backup, restore, auxiliary copy, data verification, synthetic full and DDB reconstruction are allowed.


    After phase 1, the job selects the Disable mount path for new data option available in the Mount Path Properties -Allocation Policy dialog box. Do not change the option when the move mount path operation is in progress. The job automatically clears the option once the move mount path operation is complete.

  • Suspends backup and other operations for the mount path during phase 2 of the job.

  • Copies the active volumes from the source mount path folder to the destination mount path folder.

  • Clears the Disable mount path for new data option.

  • Enables the pruning of data.

  • Resumes backup and other operations that are pending.


  • Move mount path operation performs checksum verification of the data to ensure data integrity. As a result it may be slower than the Windows file copy operation.

  • Move mount path operation does not support drill hole capability when you move a mount path between two Linux MediaAgents. If a mount path with drill hole capability is moved, the mount path will consume more space after the move.

  • Move mount path operation for migrated (CCM) libraries/paths is not supported.

Before You Begin

Before you move a mount path, ensure that you meet the following requirements:

  • Review the Move Mount Path - Support page.

  • Do not move the mount path to the software installation directory.

  • Ensure that the destination mount path folder is not a subfolder under the source mount path folder.

  • The move mount path operation overwrites the destination mount path. Therefore, ensure that the destination mount path is an empty folder.

  • Do not move a mount path to another active mount path.

  • Ensure that the destination mount path folder has at least 5% more free space than the space consumed by the source mount path.

  • Ensure that the source mount path has backup data.

  • Ensure that the source and destination MediaAgents are online and accessible.

  • To move a mount path in an automated disk library, you must disable the automated mount path detection. For instructions, see Disabling Automated Mount Path Detection.

  • The Commvault services must be up and running on the source MediaAgent until the move mount path operation is complete.

  • Verify that the mount path is not shared with the destination MediaAgent.


  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand to Storage Resources > Libraries > library.

  2. Right-click the mount path that you want to move, and then click Move Mount Path.

    The Move Mount Path dialog box appears.

  3. From Select Source MediaAgent, select the source MediaAgent.

    You will see more than one MediaAgent appears if the mount path is shared between MediaAgents.

  4. From Destination Path, select the MediaAgent to which you want to move the mount path.

  5. Select Local Path or Network Path.

    • If you select Local Path, enter the new mount path location in the Disk Device box.

    • If you select Network Path, enter the following information:

      • Credential: From the list, select an appropriate credential to access the mount path. To create a new credential, click the Create New button.

        For instructions about creating a credential, see Adding a Credential to Credential Manager.

      • Folder: The new mount path location.

  6. Click OK.

    You can track the progress of the mount path move job from the Job Controller.


    If you are using storage pools, do NOT add any Mount Path shares while the Move Mount Path job is running.

    If you do this you will end up with duplicate mount path shares - 1 added from the move and one added by Data Server IP.


After the move mount path job runs successfully, the space on the source mount path is freed up after 24 hours (one day). You can modify the number of days to keep the files on the source mount path by using the Days to keep Mount path files on source location for successful mount path move job parameter in the Media Management Configuration dialog box.


If the mount path move job fails or is killed, you need to manually clean the data that was copied to the destination mount path.

What to Do Next

Perform the following checks after moving the mount path.

  • Verify that the new mount path is online and accessible after the move.


    The new mount path may appear offline if the source mount path has run out of disk space prior to move mount path operation. You will have to wait until the next disk space update to see the new mount path online.

  • You are recommended to perform a disaster recovery backup. See Performing a Disaster Recovery Backup for instructions.

  • If the source and the destination mount path is a network path, the credentials for the shared MediaAgents are automatically updated with the credentials from the new location.

    For other MediaAgents (with local or UNIX paths) that share the source mount path, modify the path to the new location. For more information, see Modifying the Access Path for the MediaAgents.

Troubleshooting - Locked User Account With a Mount Path Operation
