Creating a Restricted User for HyperScale X Appliance

Create the cvbackupadmin user with limited capabilities or commands needed to administer the nodes and cluster. This user's capabilities will be limited to the set of commands supported by the restricted shell.


The password of the cvbackupadmin user expires for every 60 days. Please change the password periodically for security reasons.

Before You Begin

HyperScale X Appliance security features, which includes Enabling Firewall and Restricting Root Access requires the following minimum version in the CommServe server and the HyperScale MediaAgent:

  • Commvault V11 Feature Release 28 , with Maintenance Release 11.28.19 or later


  1. Login to any one of the nodes in the cluster.

  2. Navigate the following folder:

    # cd /opt/commvault/MediaAgent
  3. Run the script to enable restricted shell using one of the following options:

    • Enable the restricted shell from the cluster level, with a single password for the cvbackupadmin user in all the nodes in the cluster:

      # ./ cluster_level
    • Enable the restricted shell from the node level, with a unique password for the cvbackupadmin user in each node:

      # ./ node_level
    • Change the password for the cvbackupadmin user in each node:

      # ./ passwd_node


      The password of the cvbackupadmin user expires every 60 days. You must change the password periodically for security reasons.

    • View the help for the command:

      # ./ -h
      usage: [-h] {cluster_level,node_level,passwd_cluster,upgrade,passwd_node} ... creates cvbackupadmin user with restricted shell
      positional arguments:
          cluster_level       Creates cvbackupadmin user with restricted shell
                              access on all nodes in the cluster.
          node_level          Creates cvbackupadmin user with restricted shell
                              access on current node.
          passwd_cluster      Reset the password for cvbackupadmin user on all nodes 
                              in the cluster.
          upgrade             Upgrades restricted shell env on current node.
          passwd_node         Reset password for cvbackupadmin user on current node
                              if user exists.
      optional arguments:
        -h, --help            show this help message and exit

    Output similar to the following will be displayed :

     INFO        : Creation of User [cvbackupadmin] and setting of Password is done only once per node.
    Requirements for Password are:
        1: Length of password should be atleast 8 characters.
        2: Password should contain atleast one lowercase alphabet [a-z].
        3: Password should contain atleast one uppercase alphabet [A-Z].
        4: Password should contain atleast one digit [0-9].
        5: Password should contain atleast one non alpha-numeric character from [~!@#?$%].
    Password for [cvbackupadmin]:
    Confirm Password for [cvbackupadmin]:
  4. Type the password, and re-type to confirm the password for the cvbackupadmin user.

    Output similar to the following will be displayed:

    INFO           :        Cluster name: HV000000000000009
    INFO        : List of Nodes on which Restricted shell will be installed and associated with cvbackupadmin user:
    INFO        : Setting up restricted shell on [node:]
    INFO        : Setting up restricted shell on [node:]
    INFO        : Setting up restricted shell on [node:
    INFO        : Installing restricted shell
    INFO        : Skipping installation of restricted shell, restricted shell is already installed
    INFO        : Checking if user [cvbackupadmin] already exists
    INFO        : Creating backup admin user [cvbackupadmin]
    INFO        : Successfully created backup admin user [cvbackupadmin]
    INFO        : Setting up restricted environment for user [cvbackupadmin]
    INFO        : Completed setting up of restricted environment for user [cvbackupadmin]
    INFO        : Adding commands accessible to user [cvbackupadmin]
    INFO        : Adding command: clear
    INFO        : Adding command: osupdate
    INFO        : Adding command: enable_ransomware_protection
    INFO        : Adding command: hs_node
    INFO        : Adding command: hs_cluster
    INFO        : Adding command: noop
    INFO        : Completed adding commands accessible to user [cvbackupadmin]
    INFO        : Successfully set up restricted shell on all nodes in the cluster

    The creation sequence is logged in /var/log/commvault/Log_Files/cv_setup_restricted_shell.log.


The cvbackupadmin user will be created with the following capabilities:


Description / Additional Options


Command to clear the restricted shell screen.


Command to administer the local node from where its is invoked, unless a remote node name is specified.

The following options are available for this command:

$ hs_node --help
usage: hs_node (options)
Command options for current node.
Optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --node <hostname>     If not specified, execute on local node. If specified, execute on specified node.
                        This can be applied to any of the node optional arguments;
                        Example: [--get_serial_number --node <remote_node>]
                        NOTE: Passwordless SSH must be configured for remote nodes.
  --get_serial_number   Show serial number of the node.
  --gethostname         Show hostname of the node.
  --cat <PATH_TO_FILE>  Show only allowed file's content.
                        Show file content using 'tail' command.
                        Run [--tail ++help] option to check detailed usage.
                        Does not support --node option.
  --df                  Execute's command 'df -h'.
  --sestatus            Execute's command 'sestatus'. Used to check if ransomware protection is enabled.
  --lsblk               Execute's command 'lsblk'.
  --lsscsi              Execute's command 'lsscsi'.
  --lsmod               Execute's command 'lsmod'.
  --fdisk               Execute's command 'fdisk -l'.
  --get_registry_entry [reg_path= reg_key= [instance= ...]]
                        Show registry value for a given combination of instance=, reg_path=, and reg_key=.
                        Default instance value is Instance001. reg_path is an xpath from instance level.
                        Sample usage of the command:
                        1. hs_node --get_registry_entry reg_path=Installer/Subsystems reg_key=nPackageSum
                        2. hs_node --get_registry_entry reg_path=MediaAgent reg_key=sHyperScaleRPMQuerySuccess
  --grep SEARCH_WORD    Execute's command 'grep -i SEARCH_WORD -'.
                        Use it by piping output from other commands.
                        Does not support --node option.
                        Sample usage of the command:
                        1. hs_node --df | hs_node --grep "hedvig"
  --commvault SUBCOMMAND
                        Execute's command 'commvault (list|status|start|restart|start_services|stop|reg)'.
                        'start_services' subcommand can be used to start services as OS update does.
  --dmidecode           Execute's command 'dmidecode -t system'.
  --date                Execute's command 'date'.
  --netstat             Execute's command 'netstat -rn'.
  --blkid               Execute's command 'blkid'.
  --mount               Execute's command 'mount'.
  --uname               Execute's command 'uname -a'.
  --rpm                 Execute's command 'rpm -qa'.
  --ulimit              Execute's command 'ulimit -a'.
  --uptime              Execute's command 'uptime'.
  --resume_protection   Sets the node in enforcing mode.
                        Execute's command 'firewall-cmd --list-ports'.
  --ping IP/Hostname    Execute's command 'ping IP/Hostname'. Does not support --node option.
  --nslookup IP/Hostname
                        Execute's command 'nslookup IP/Hostname'. Does not support --node option.
  --reboot              Execute's command 'reboot'. Does not support --node option.
  --cds SUBCOMMAND      Shows cds related information. use --cds help to get more information.


Command to administer all the nodes in a cluster.

The following options are available for this command:

$ hs_cluster --help
usage: hs_cluster [options]
These actions are preformed across the entire cluster, for each and every node.
optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --get_serial_number   Show serial number for each node in the cluster.
  --list                Show all nodes in the cluster.
  --cat <PATH_TO_FILE>  Show only allowed file's content from each node in the cluster.
  --sestatus            'sestatus' command is executed on all nodes and prints output on the screen.
  --lsblk               'lsblk' command is executed on all nodes and prints output on the screen.
  --lsscsi              'lsscsi' command is executed on all nodes and prints output on the screen.
  --lsmod               'lsmod' command is executed on all nodes and prints output on the screen.
  --fdisk               'fdisk -l' command is executed on all nodes and prints output on the screen.
  --df                  'df -h' command is executed on all nodes and prints output on the screen.
  --get_registry_entry [GET_REGISTRY_ENTRY [GET_REGISTRY_ENTRY ...]]
                        'hs_node --get_registry_entry' command is executed on all nodes and prints output on the screen.
  --commvault SUBCOMMAND
                        'hs_node --commvault' command is executed on all nodes and prints output on the screen.
  --dmidecode           'dmidecode -t system' command is executed on all nodes and prints output on the screen.
  --date                'date' command is executed on all nodes and prints output on the screen.
  --netstat             'netstat -rn' command is executed on all nodes and prints output on the screen.
  --blkid               'blkid' command is executed on all nodes and prints output on the screen.
  --mount               'mount' command is executed on all nodes and prints output on the screen.
  --uname               'uname -a' command is executed on all nodes and prints output on the screen.
  --rpm                 'rpm -qa' command is executed on all nodes and prints output on the screen.
  --ulimit              'ulimit -a' command is executed on all nodes and prints output on the screen.
  --uptime              'uptime' command is executed on all nodes and prints output on the screen.
  --resume_protection   Sets Selinux to enforcing mode on all nodes in the cluster.
                        'firewall-cmd --list-ports' command is executed on all nodes and prints output on the screen.
  --get_remote_cache    Find which node is the remote cache node of this cluster.
  --cds SUBCOMMAND      Shows cds related information from all nodes in the cluster. use --cds help to get more information.


Command to enable ransomware protection on the nodes.

Reboot the node after enabling ransomware using the following command:

$ hs_node –reboot


Command to upgrade the operating system (OS).

The following options are supported for this command:
        Updates both CVDS and OS Binaries on all cluster nodes. -status
        Get status of upgraded nodes -upgrade_hedvig_only
        Updates only CVDS Binaries on all nodes. -upgrade_os_only
        Updates only OS Binaries on all nodes


When the osupdate command is executed without any options, both the CDS and the OS will be upgraded.

What to Do Next

Disable root access on the nodes, so that only the restricted user (cvbackupadmin) will be able to login and access the nodes in the cluster.
