Configuring Metallic Cloud Storage Service

You can configure the Metallic Cloud Storage Service as a storage target in a CommCell.


Compliance lock prevents manual changes or deletions of cloud data including backups, storage, apps, servers and backup destination copies, even by administrators, until the end of the retention period. After the retention period, normal retention and pruning processes can apply. Compliance lock provides data security at the software level, and locks and protects all associated backup destination copies.

Compliance lock is enabled by default for Metallic Cloud Storage Service. However, if not enabled, you should enable compliance lock manually.

For instructions to enable compliance lock, see Enabling a WORM Copy on a Storage Policy Copy.


  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand Storage Resources.

  2. Right-click Libraries, point to Add, click Cloud Storage Library, and then click Metallic Cloud Storage Service.

    The Add Metallic Cloud Storage Service dialog box appears.

  3. In the General tab, enter the following information:

    1. In the Name box, specify name of the Metallic Cloud Storage Service library.

    2. From the MediaAgent list, select the MediaAgent that must be used to access the library.

    3. From the Location list, select a Metallic Cloud Storage Service location.


      Recommended: Choose a location nearest to the MediaAgent.

  4. Click OK.


The new storage library appears in the CommCell Browser in the following locations:

  • Under Storage Resources > Libraries

  • Under Storage Resources > MediaAgents > <MediaAgent>

What to Do Next

Perform the following tasks to ensure that you are able to successfully backup data to the storage:
