Configure Rules for Archiving

You can configure rules to archive your laptop data.


  1. From the navigation pane, go to Manage > Plans.

    The Plans page appears.

  2. In the upper right of the page, click Create plan.

    The Create Laptop Plan page appears.

  3. Under General, fill in the following plan information:

    1. In the Plan name box, type the name of the plan.

    2. Select the Archiving check box.

    3. Under Archiving rules, enter the low water value for the volume in Start cleaning up disk when it is less than n% Free box and enter a high watermark volume for the volume in Stop cleaning up disk when it is up to n% Free box.

    4. Click Edit.

    5. Under Clean up items that meet these criteria, enter the values based on which the file will be archived:

      1. To archive files based on the last accessed date of each file within the folder, type the number of days in the File access time older than n days box.

      2. To archive files based on the last modified date of each file within the folder, type the number of days in the File modified time older than n days box.

      3. To archive files based on the time the files were created within the folder, type the number of days in the File created time older than n days box.

      4. To archive files based on the size of the file, type the minimum file size in the File size greater than n KB box and the maximum file size in the Maximum file size box.

        All files whose size ranges between the minimum and maximum values are archived.

      5. To archive files based on the Read-Only attribute, select the Archive Read-Only files check box.

    6. Under After Archiving area, decide if you want to stub the file or delete the file after an archive job:

      1. After an archive job, if you want to replace the file that meets the archiving rules with a stub, click the Replace the file with a stub option.

      2. After an archive job, if you want to delete the file that meets the archiving rules, click the Delete the file option.

    7. Click Save.


End-users can now enable archiving for their laptop client using the Web Console.
