Reference Copy - Email Filters

The optional filters listed here specify the mail messages to include (from an existing backup of Exchange mailbox) as subclient content while creating a reference copy using the Exchange Mailbox Agent.




Filters to include only emails by a particular sender (for example, Enter the email address or name of the sender in the From field.

You can enter multiple senders by separating them with either the AND or OR operators, but not both.


Filters to include only emails sent to specific recipients (for example, Enter the email address or name of the recipient in the To field.

You can enter multiple recipients by separating them with either the AND or OR operators, but not both.


Filters to include only emails sent with the subject line strings you enter in the Subject field.

You can enter multiple subject line strings by separating them with either the AND or OR operators, but not both. This filter looks for the words you enter, as a contiguous string (including spaces) in subject lines. It recognizes AND and OR as operators if they are entered in capital letters, and there is no need to quote subject strings that contain spaces.

This filter accepts into the reference copy only those emails that include the strings you enter here.


Filters to include only emails sent with the level of importance you select. Supported levels are as follows:

  • High

  • Normal

  • Low

Mail Size

Filters to include only emails within the size range you select. Supported size operators are as follows

  • greater than (>)

  • less than (<)

  • greater than or equal to (>=)

  • less than or equal to (<=)


Filters to include only emails received on the days you specify.

Emails received within the selected time range are copied. This time zone is not based on the client's local time.

Data in between the time specified here will be browsed and restored.

Has Attachments

Filters on whether an email includes or does not include attachments.

Select the Has Attachments option to back up emails with attachments.

Clear the Has Attachments option to back up emails without attachments.

Folder Path

Filters to include only emails in one of the mailbox's folders. Enter a Folderpath to back up emails stored in that folder.

Multiple paths can be specified together using either the AND or OR operators, but not both.

Attachment Name

Filters to include only emails having attachments with the name you enter in the Attachment Name field.


Filters to include only emails that have a category selected. Includes all emails with that category defined. Enter just the name of the color, without the word "category". If you have changed the name of the category, enter the new name. You can enter multiple categories using either the AND or OR operators, but not both.


Filters file content against the words you enter. The results differ with different combinations of backup and content indexing jobs that ran on the client, as follows:

  • This filter retrieves more precise results when content indexing is enabled, and at least one content indexing job has been run after the last backup job.

  • When content indexing is enabled, and other filters are used along with this filter, the results are retrieved from the combination of what got backed up and content indexed.

  • If content indexing is not enabled, the reference copy job waits for content indexing to run on the source subclient.


If data is pushed to multiple content indexing servers, data from most-recent content indexing server is processed.

Two or more content words can be combined by placing an AND or OR operator (but not a combination of ANDs and ORs) between the words.
