Use this dialog box to establish advanced media management parameters.
Parameter |
Description |
Allow creating storage policy or copy using library |
Definition: Enables you to create a storage policy or copy using library. Default Value: 0 Range: 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled) Usage: Use this parameter to create a storage policy or copy using library. |
Allow export request to succeed without waiting for media being removed from library |
Definition: Returns the command line to the prompt before export operations are complete and the media is removed from the library. The export media operation run from the CommCell Console completes when the exported media is moved to the IE port. Default Value: 0 Range: 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled) Usage: By default, the command line returns to the prompt after the export operations are complete and the media is removed from the library. When this option is set to 1 (enabled) the command line returns to the prompt after an export request command is run. By default, when the export media operation is run from CommCell Console, the export process completes when the exported media is removed from the IE port. When this option is set to 1 (enabled) the export media operation completes after the exported media is moved to the IE port. |
Allow media to be exported based on barcode order |
Definition: Enables you to export media based on the barcode order. Default Value: 0 Range: 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled) Usage: By default, media is exported based on the media id. When this option is set to 1 (enabled), media is exported based on the barcode order. |
Always give preference to Primary copy ahead of other copies during synthetic full |
Definition: Enables you to give precedence to the primary copy to restore data from a storage policy copy when performing synthetic full backup Default Value: 0 Range: 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled) Usage: By default, synthetic full backup restores the data from a storage policy copy based on the copy precedence configuration set on the policy. Set the value for this parameter to 1 to change the default behavior and give precedence to the primary copy first followed by other copies even though the copy precedence set on the storage policy is different. |
Array Management Data Collection Interval in hours |
Definition: Specifies the interval (hours) that collects the details about Volumes, LUNs, and Snapshots configured on NetApp Storage Array in Array Management. Default Value: 24 hours Range: 0 to 720 |
Automatically submit Space Reclamation DDB Verification job when free space on Library is below this percent |
Definition: Specifies the limit for free space to automatically launch space reclamation DDB data verification job. When the free space falls below the specified percentage, the job is initiated. Default Value: 50 Range: 20 to 95 Notes: The space reclamation DDB data verification job is run using the System Created DDB Space Reclamation schedule policy.
Automatic Drive Cleaning check interval in Minutes |
Definition: Specifies how often the Media & Library Manager service on the CommServe should check for drives that require cleaning and start cleaning these drives. This parameter is only valid if the Enable Auto-Cleaning options are enabled in the Drive tab of the Library Properties dialog box. Default Value: 20 Range: 2 to 1440 Usage: Dirty tape drives are the biggest concern when reading/writing to tape media. This parameter sets the interval for periodic checks for signals from the library indicating drive cleaning required. Alternative is for manual or scheduled cleaning. Note You cannot set the value to 0 to disable automatic drive cleaning. Use the steps described in Enable or Disable Automatic Drive Cleaning to disable automatic drive cleaning. |
Automatically deconfigure tape drivepools and library controllers while deleting MediaAgent |
Definition: Specifies that the tape libraries associated with a MediaAgent are deleted when the MediaAgent is deleted. Default Value: 0 Range: 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled) Usage: Set the parameter to 1 to ensure that the tape libraries associated with a MediaAgent are deleted when the MediaAgent is deleted. When the parameter is set to 0, you will see a pop-up message stating that libraries are configured on MediaAgent. |
Auto push install storage accelerator package |
Definition: Enabling this parameter automatically installs the Storage Accelerator package on a client computer. Range: 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled) Default Value: 1 on a new CommServe server, setup in Feature Release 11.26, or above. 0 if the CommServe server was originally setup in Feature Release 11.25, or prior. Note When a backup is initiated from the client, the system will verify and use the Storage Accelerator if it is available, to perform the backup. If the package is not available, the package will be installed once the backup job completes. Hence after enabling this parameter, the first backup from a client without the Storage Accelerator package, will be performed using the MediaAgent associated with the cloud storage library. |
Create disaster recovery storage policy or copy when new library is configured |
Definition: Specifies whether the disaster recovery storage policy needs to be created automatically when a new library is configured. This option will create a disaster recovery (DR) storage policy if it does not exists in the CommCell Console. Default Value: 1 Range: 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled) Usage: By default, value is set to 1, which indicates that the disaster recovery storage policy is automatically created when new library is configured. If this value is set to 0, then this option is disabled. |
Config parameter to enable the storage accelerator feature |
Definition: Specifies if storage accelerator feature is enabled at the CommCell level. For more information, see Accelerating Cloud Storage Backups from Clients. Default Value: 0 Range: 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled) Usage: The storage accelerator feature is disabled by default at the CommCell level. To enable the storage accelerator feature, set the value to 1. |
Configure data interface pairs automatically when new data path added for a deduplication copy |
Definition: Specifies that if a new data mover MediaAgent is added to the configuration and if data interface pairs exists between the DDB MediaAgent and the default data mover MediaAgent, then data interface pairs are automatically configured between the new data mover MediaAgent and the DDB MediaAgent. Default Value: 0 Range: 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled) |
DDB disk space check interval in minutes |
Definition: Periodically checks for the amount of free space on the DDB disk. Default Value: 1440 minutes Range: 60 to 10080 minutes Usage: By default once in 24 hours, the system checks for the space on the DDB disk. |
DDB Recover and Data Verification job progress update to job manager interval (mins) |
Definition: Specifies the time interval at which the MediaAgent updates the progress of the deduplication database (DDB) recovery and the data verification jobs to the job manager. Default Value: 15 minutes Range: 0 to 60 minutes Usage: By default, the MediaAgent updates the progress of the DDB recovery and the data verification jobs to the job manager every 15 minutes. If the value is set to 0, the interval will be ignored and updates will be sent to the job manager as soon as they are received. |
Default low-water mark for newly-created Scratch Pools |
Definition: Specifies the threshold of scratch pools per library. If the number of scratch pools falls below the defined threshold, events will be triggered, and alerts, if configured, will be triggered as well. Default Value: 20 Range: 0 to 9,999 Usage: Newly created Tape Scratch Pools will be given this value for low-water mark of the number of tapes required in the pool. Events, and Alerts if configured, are generated. This value should be set to the maximum number of tapes you anticipate consuming in a 48 hour (weekend) period. This should then give you ample warning to replenish the media in the pools to avoid data protection failures from insufficient media. |
Convert next backup to differential when incremental/differential jobs are deleted |
Definition: Specifies that if a job is pruned manually, then the next backup job for the subclient will automatically be a differential backup. Default Value: 0 Range: 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled) Usage: If backup jobs are pruned manually, then to ensure data integrity, full backups are run. If an incremental or a differential backup from the most recent cycle is deleted and this parameter is set to 1, then the next backup for the subclient is a differential backup. However, if the most recent full backup is pruned manually, then irrespective of the value set for the parameter, the next job for the associated subclient is a full backup. |
Do not mark media full when encountering CRC error |
Definition: Specifies that the media will not be marked full when CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) error is encountered. Default Value: 0 Range: 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled) Usage: Use to control media consumption. |
Enable Cloud VM Management feature |
Definition: Specifies the configuration of the power management feature on the CommServe. Power management automatically turns on the MediaAgents that are hosted in the cloud for various operations. Default Value: 1 Range: 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled) |
Enable compression on Media Agent for Oracle/Oracle RAC Non-Dedup backups |
Definition: Specifies the client or MediaAgent for Oracle and Oracle RAC log backups when you use a non-deduplication storage policy. Default Value: 0 Range: 0 (client side compression) or 1 (MediaAgent compression) Usage: Use to control compression. |
Export Operation Retry Count |
Definition: Specifies the number of times an export operation must be retried by the MediaAgent when a mail slot is full. Default Value: 10 Range: 0 to 10 Usage: This parameter may be used in conjunction with export alerts to ensure export is given chance to succeed before failing. |
Idle time (Minutes) for power managed cloud VMs |
Definition: Specifies the idle time in minutes after which the MediaAgent hosted on cloud is powered off automatically. The indexing activity that the MediaAgent performs is also considered for idle time calculation. Default Value: 30 minutes Range: 10 to 1440 |
Ignore media and drive use count thresholds for Virtual Tape Libraries |
Definition: Specifies whether the media and drive count threshold is ignored for Virtual Tape Libraries. Default Value: 1 Range: 0 (No) or 1 (Yes) Usage: Tape drive and media usage and error thresholds, if reached, can mark the drive or media offline or bad. This is usually not necessary in a Virtual tape environment. |
Import only media that were not moved to IE Port as part of export operation |
Definition: Specifies that media that are waiting in the I/E Port for export are not re-imported into the library. Default Value: 0 Range: 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled) Usage: By default, the import operation imports all media that are in the I/E Port regardless of their status. When this option is set to 1 (enabled), media that are waiting in the I/E Port for export are not re-imported when outside media are imported into the library. |
Interval (Minutes) between disk space updates |
Definition: Specifies how often the disk space information is updated for mount paths associated with disk libraries. Also, if Enable Managed Disk Space for disk data option is enabled in the Retention tab of the Copy Properties dialog box, data is also deleted (if necessary) if it has been marked for deletion by a Data Aging operation. Default Value: 30 minutes Range: 5 to 60 Usage: Best used to free up managed disk space in a timely manner. |
Interval (Minutes) between volume size update requests |
Definition: Specifies how often a request is sent to update volume size for all the MediaAgent(s). This option is also used by the Process volume size updates for cloud mount paths option to control the frequency of the volume size requests to cloud mount paths. Note If you have upgraded from V 9.0 to the current version, the Interval between volume size update requests parameter is available on the Data Aging tab. Default Value: 120 minutes Range: 15 to 2880 minutes |
Interval (hours) between marking large disk volumes full |
Definition: Specifies the interval (hours) between marking all disk volumes full. Default Value: 24 Hours Range: 1 to 168 Usage: Used to keep disk volume sizes (and number of chunks/files per volume) to a manageable level. In this case time is used to limit the size for those situations where the data chunk sizes are smaller. |
Interval (hours) between marking large volumes full for hyperscale |
Definition: Specifies the interval (hours) between marking all HyperScale volumes full. Default Value: 720 Hours Range: 1 to 2160 Usage: Used to keep HyperScale volume sizes (and number of chunks/files per volume) to a manageable level. In this case time is used to limit the size for those situations where the data chunk sizes are smaller. |
Interval (in minutes) to clean up deleted storage policies or copies |
Definition: Specifies the time in minutes for cleaning up deleted storage policies. Default Value: 30 Range: 1 to 1440 minutes Usage: Removes deleted Storage Policies from the CommCell Console |
LAN MediaAgent liveliness check interval in Minutes |
Definition: Specifies the interval at which the LAN MediaAgent (MediaAgent and Client are not on the same computer) will execute a liveliness check. These intervals tend to be smaller, as frequent liveliness checks are needed for a network environment. Default Value: 30 Range: 2 to 1440 Usage: Liveliness checks are conducted to ensure necessary services are running and listening. Increasing the interval value may be recommended to minimize network traffic if you have a large number of LAN MediaAgents and you have other mechanisms in place to verify network and services availability. |
LAN-Free MediaAgent liveliness check interval in Minutes |
Definition: Specifies the interval at which the LAN-free MediaAgent (MediaAgent and Client are on the same computer) will execute a liveliness check. These intervals tend to be larger, as fewer liveliness checks are needed for a LAN-free environment. Default Value: 1440 Range: 2 to 2880 Usage: Liveliness checks are conducted to ensure necessary services are running and listening. Decreasing the interval value may be recommended to detect MediaAgent unavailability if MediaAgent services tend to hang or not start. |
Library Arm Controller failover interval in Minutes |
Definition: Specifies the interval at which the library will be checked for being offline, at which point the fail-over system will take over. Default Value: 10 Range: 2 to 1440 Usage: MediaAgents writing to a tape drive in a library get immediate indication of a tape drive going offline. The MediaAgent which has Library Arm Control does not get any indication until it needs to execute a tape movement command. As such, periodic operational status checks of the library are considered prudent. The overhead involved in performing this check is minimal. Failover interval should be set to account for the minimum time between tape movement commands. |
Life span of encryption key generated based on client and storage policy copy |
Definition: Specifies the life span for the data encryption key generated for a client and storage policy copy combination to encrypt backup data of the client computer. When a key completes its life span, the software automatically creates a new key for the client and storage policy copy combination. Default Value: 365 days Range: 7 days to 999 days |
Maximum size per batch to process managed disk space |
Definition: Specifies the maximum size per batch to process managed disk space. Default Value: 50,000 Range: 512 to 1,000,000 Usage: Managed disk space process is run every 30 minutes to evaluate if used disk space as exceeded its maximum threshold and, if so, erases aged data until the minimum threshold level is achieved. The maximum number of jobs erased in each event is determined by this parameter. Too high a parameter may impact other jobs. Too low of a parameter may not free up space in time. |
Media Management Maintenance Check Interval in Minutes |
Definition: Specifies the interval at which the following media management maintenance issues will be checked:
Minutes to keep mount path files on source location after successful move mount path job |
Definition: Specifies the number of minutes to keep source mount path files on the source MediaAgent after mount path has been successfully moved by using the Move Mount Path option. Default Value: 1440 minutes Range: 60 to 10080 minutes |
Mount Path Fragmentation Threshold percentage |
Definition: Specifies the allowed fragmentation percentage for the mount path. If the fragmentation on the mount path is above this percentage, then the mount path would be considered fragmented. If the defined threshold has been met, the Library Management Maintenance Required alert, if configured, will be triggered. Default Value: 100% Range: 1 to 100 Usage: Used in conjunction with Per File Threshold Percentage to minimize the level of fragmentation on a magnetic library mount path. Fragmentation will degrade read performance for restore or auxiliary copy operations. Amount of fragmentation can be reported for each mount path as a measure of performance expectations and need to performance maintenance. |
Number of days in advance to trigger alert for low disk space for disk library |
Definition: Specifies the number of days in advance that you receive an alert that a disk library is about to run out of space (low disk space alert). Default Value: 0 Range: 0 (disabled) or > 0 (enabled) Usage: When you specify a value greater than 0, you receive a low disk space alert n days before the disk library runs out of space (where n = the value specified). If you configure a low disk space alert, you do not receive notifications for low watermark or warning watermark. |
Number of disk folders to process in a single Data Aging request |
Definition: Specifies the number of folders that will be processed in a single request as part of disk cleanup. Default Value: 1000 Range: 1 to 5000 Usage: Too many folders can impact Data Aging performance and timing. Too few folders might not include all of the folders that need to be reviewed for aging. |
Number of volumes for size update |
Definition: Specifies the number of volumes that gets sent to the MediaAgents for volume size update. Note If you have upgraded from V 9.0 to the current version, the Number of volumes for size update parameter is available on the Data Aging tab. Default Value: 1000 Range: 50 to 50,000 Usage: Sets the batch count per MediaAgent or volume update information. |
Per-file fragmentation threshold |
Definition: Specifies the number of fragmentation allowed for each file. Default Value: 10 Range: 1 to 10000 Usage: Used in conjunction with Mount Path Fragmentation Threshold Percentage to minimize the level of fragmentation on a disk library mount path. Fragmentation will degrade read performance for restore or auxiliary copy operations. |
Process volume size updates for cloud mount paths |
Definition: When this option is enabled, volume size update request is sent to the cloud mount path. (The size occupied in the cloud mount path is updated in the Mount Path Properties (General) dialog box.) The frequency of the requests is controlled by Interval (Minutes) between volume size update requests option. Default Value: 1 Range: 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled) Usage: By default, this option is enabled and the size of data in the cloud mount path is updated. This option is not applicable for cloud storage libraries in Direct Glacier. This option is enabled by default on the following versions:
Provide user with MediaAgent management rights additional capabilities for libraries, data paths, and storage policies |
Definition: Specifies how MediaAgent Management permissions are checked for a user. If this value is set to 1, the user has the following additional rights to manage the MediaAgent that they have rights on:
Redistribute discovered media into spare groups based on barcode patterns |
Definition: Specifies that when barcode patterns are defined for media groups in a library, any existing media or media moved from another library that matches the barcode patterns will be automatically associated with the appropriate media group. Default Value: 0 Range: 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled) Usage: Managing existing and new media in a library by automatically associating the media with the appropriate media group based on the barcode pattern defined. |
Retain scratch media information when deconfiguring library |
Definition: Specifies whether the scratch (new/aged) media information is retained when a tape library is deconfigured. Default Value: 1 Range: 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled) Usage: Controls the retention of scratch media if library is deconfigured. |
Show hidden libraries |
Definition: Specifies whether libraries that are marked as hidden are visible in the CommCell Console.
Show Storage Policies disabled for Backup |
Definition: Specifies whether storage policies disabled for backup are visible in the CommCell Console.
Skip low water mark alerts for mount paths disabled for write |
Definition: Specifies that the low watermark warning is not generated for the mount paths on which the write operations are disabled. See, Disabling Write Operations on a Mount Path. Default Value: 1 Range: 1 (enabled) or 0 (disabled) Usage: Use this parameter to disable the low watermark alert generation for mount paths that are disabled for write operations as these mount paths are only in use for read operations. |
Split the capacity and free space in a disk library for mount paths pointing to same path |
Definition: Specifies the splitting of Free Space and Capacity values when a library has more than one network mount path using the same device. Default Value: 0 Range: 0 (disabled) 1 (enabled) Usage: When a library has more than one network mount path configured using the same device, the Free Space and Capacity available in the library are not divided between the mount paths. You can enable this parameter to divide the values between the mount paths. For more information, see Monitoring Disk Libraries. |
Suppress media mount failure due to cleaning media while running inventory job |
Definition: When this parameter is enabled the mount failure alert is not generated during inventory job for cleaning media. Default Value: 0 Range: 0 (disabled) 1 (enabled) Usage: By default, during the inventory job, a mount job failure alert is generated for cleaning media. However, you can enable this parameter to suppress the alert for cleaning media while running the inventory job. |
Timeout in seconds for mount path or drive validation job |
Definition: Specifies the time in seconds after which the Validate operation times out. This configuration parameter is for timing out the Validate operation, after the set number of seconds (value of param). Default Value: 10800 Range: 10800 to 86400 Usage: Use this parameter to define the time value within which the Validate operation must complete. |
Timeout in seconds to expire request sent to KMIP Server |
Definition: Specifies the time in seconds after which any request sent to a KMIP key management server times out. Default Value: 30 Range: 10 to 300 |
Update cloud library credential to selected device controller only |
Definition: When this option is enabled, you can set different access credentials for individual device controller on the same cloud device. Default Value: 0 Range: 0 (disabled) 1 (enabled) Usage: When this parameter is disabled, any changes made on one controller of the cloud device will be copied to all the other existing controllers. When the parameter is enabled, then from CommCell Console you can modify the access credentials of only the edited controller. For a HP StoreOnce Catalyst Library, enable this option if you have the following configurations: