Advanced Restore Options (Log Files)


Use this tab to administer log file restores.

Restore Log Files

Specifies that you can enable log file restores.


Beginning in Service Pack 12, this option is no longer the default option.

  • All Log Files

    Specifies whether to restore all log files.

  • By Point in Time

    Depending on the corresponding selected Start and End options, specifies whether to restore log files based on a start time and an end time. To change the start and end dates, click in the lists as appropriate. Also, use the spaces to set the appropriate start and end times.

  • By Log Serial Number

    Depending on the corresponding selected Start and End options, specifies whether to restore log files by log sequence number. Use the spaces to set the start and end log sequence numbers.

Restore Logs from Backup Image (use Logtarget)

You can use this option when you do not select the Recover Database option (Restore Options dialog box, Recover tab, clear the Recover DB check box).

This option extracts the files from the backup image to the DB2 Retrieve Path that you can specify during installation or by using an additional setting. The software extracts the files to:





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