Restoring Gmail and Google Drive In Place


Restore data back from the cloud to the destination server from where it was backed up.

You can perform the restore operation on a default subclient or a user-defined subclient that has already been backed up at least once.


  1. From the navigation pane, click Protect > Applications > G Suite.

    The G Suite apps page appears.

  2. Click an app.

    The app page appears.

  3. From the Subclients section, follow any one of these methods to perform a restore operation:

    • In the Actions column for the subclient, click the action button action_button, and then click Restore.

    • Click a subclient that you want to restore, and then, on the subclient page, click Restore.

    The Backup content page appears.

  4. From the upper-right of the page, select the backups to restore.

    • To use the most recent backup, click Show latest backups.

    • To use a backup from a specific date, click Show backups as of a specific date, select a date, and then select the backup.

    • To use a backup from a date range, click Show backups for a date range, select a date range, and then select the backup.

  5. Select one or more users whose user accounts you want to restore, and then click Restore.

    The Restore options dialog box appears.

  6. Specify how you want to restore the data:

    • Destination server: The data is restored on the destination server. Default location is from where the data was backed up. For an in-place restore, do not change the destination server.

    • Restore to original folder: (default) To perform an in-place restore, select this check box to restore data to the original folder.

    • Overwrite if it already exists: You can overwrite files and folders on the destination client with the files and folders that you are restoring.

  7. Click Submit.


A restore job is created. You can monitor the job progress, kill the job, or suspend the job. For information about monitoring all the jobs in the Command Center environment, see Jobs.

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