When you configure a replication target for Hyper-V, provide Hyper-V specific values for the destination site.
General Options
Select vendor: Select Microsoft Hyper-V.
Application type: Select the type of operations that use this replication target.
- Regular: To use this target for live mount operations or virtual lab operations, select this option.
Replication: To use this target as a destination site for replication jobs, select this option.
Target name: Enter a descriptive name for the destination (for example, DR site 1).
Destination hypervisor: Select a hypervisor for the destination VMs.
Access node: Select a VSA proxy to perform operations for the replication target.
Users and user groups: Select the users or user groups that you want to have access to the destination.
Default restore location: To restore to a location other than the Hyper-V default folder, clear this option and then, for Destination folder, browse to select a location.
You can enter the network path for an SMB (Server Message Block Protocol) share as the destination folder, provided that the destination SMB share meets the requirements described in Configuring Backups for Virtual Machines Hosted on SMB Shares. You cannot select an SMB share by browsing.
VM display name: Select Prefix or Suffix, and then enter a string to append to source VMs to create the display name for each destination VM.
Network settings: Select a network adapter from the Network adapter list.
Additional Options
Additional options are not displayed for some application types.
Live mount options: By default, this feature is enabled. Provide information that is specific to live mount operations.
Expiration time: To enable a destination to be used for test failover operations, select Hours or Days and specify the amount of time that live mounted VMs can run before they expire.
No of VMs: Select the number of concurrent VMs that each user can run on the replication target.