Creating a User-Defined Subclient for NDMP Backup Operations


Because file servers may contain large amounts of data, you can create user-defined subclients to manage your backups. User-defined subclients are optional because a default subclient is automatically created by the software.

User-defined subclients can be used to back up the following:

  • Specific file systems or a portion of a file system

  • Different directories on a file server

    For example, a file server has two directories that you want to back up. Create a user-defined subclient for /fs1/dir1 and another user-defined subclient for /fs1/dir2.

Before You Begin

  • Review the guidelines for adding subclient content.

  • If you plan to exclude some files and directories from backups, review the filter guidelines. For example, you might want to exclude system-related files which consistently fail during a backup operation.

Start the Configuration Wizard

  1. From the navigation pane, go to Protect > File Servers.

    The file servers Overview page appears.

  2. On the File Servers tab, in the Name column, click the NAS server.

    The NAS server properties page appears.

  3. In the Protocols table, in the Protocol column, click NDMP.

    The Overview page of the NDMP protocol appears.

  4. On the Subclients tab, click Add subclient.

    The General page of the Add Subclient configuration wizard appears.


  1. In the Subclient name box, type a name.

  2. From the Backup sets list, select a backup set.

  3. Click NEXT.

    The Plan page of the configuration wizard appears.


  1. From the Plan list, select the backup plan.

    The backup plan defines the storage for the backup data, the RPO (recovery point objective), and the data retention period.

  2. Click NEXT.

    The Content page of the configuration wizard appears.


  1. For Content, click ADD and then click BROWSE or CUSTOM PATH to specify the content that you want to back up.

  2. Under Exclusions, click ADD and then click BROWSE or CUSTOM PATH to exclude files and directories that you do not want to back up.

  3. From the Include global exclusions list, select one the following:

    • Off: To disable global filters for this subclient; only subclient exclusions are applied. This value overrides the Use Global Filters on All Subclients global filters setting.

    • On: To enable global filters for this subclient; both global and subclient exclusions are applied. This value overrides the Use Global Filters on All Subclients global filters setting.

    • Use cell level policy: To include global filters for this subclient only if the Use Global Filters on All Subclients option is selected in the Global Filters.

  4. Click SUBMIT.

Backup Plans

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