Creating an Index Server


To reduce the load on existing Index Servers, you can add an additional Index Server to your Commvault environment.


If you are adding your first Index Server, use the guided setup for the solution that you need.

Before You Begin

  • Install the Index Store package on the servers that will act as nodes for the Index Server. A server can act as a node for only one Index Server.

  • If you plan to back up the Index Server or to run load balancing to move indexes from one node to another node on the Index Server, create a backup plan. The MediaAgent associated with the storage on the backup plan is used to stage the indexes that move from the source node to the destination node.

Start the Configuration Wizard

  1. From the navigation pane, go to Manage > Infrastructure.

    The Infrastructure page appears.

  2. Click the Index servers tile.

    The Index servers page appears.

  3. In the upper-right area of the page, click Add.

    The Add Index Server configuration wizard appears.


  1. In the Name box, enter a name for the Index Server.

  2. From the Language list, select the language of the content that this Index Server will content index:

    • Chinese

    • English

    • Japanese

    During content indexing, text is split into meaningful groups of characters (tokenized). After the text is tokenized, meaningful results are returned when you search the text.

  3. Click Next.

Choose Plan

  1. Optional: From the plans list, select an existing backup plan or create a new backup plan.

    The backup plan is used to run load balancing on the Index Server nodes and to back up the Index Server.

    Steps to create a backup plan
    1. Click the plus button (+).

      The Create backup plan dialog box appears.

    2. In the Plan name, enter a name for the backup plan.

    3. From the Storage list, select the storage to use for the backups.

    4. For Retention rules, select the retention plan to retain the backups.

    5. Click Done.

  2. Click Next.

Choose Roles

  1. From the Solutions list, select the solutions that will use the Index Server.

    When you select a solution, the roles that the Index Server needs for the solution are automatically added. For example, the Data Analytics and EDGE Drive roles are automatically selected for the File Storage Optimization solution.

  2. If you need the Index Server for an advanced use case, from the Roles list, select the roles needed for the use case.

    For a list of roles, and the products and features the roles support, see Index Server Roles and Supported Features.

  3. Click Next.

Configure Nodes

Complete the following steps to allow the Index Server nodes to communicate with each other:

  1. From the Nodes list, select the server that will act as a node for the Index Server.

    The Add node dialog box appears.

  2. In the Index directory box, enter a path for the index directory.

  3. For Memory allocation (MB), click Edit edit button outline grey/gray pencil and specify the memory for the node.

    The default value is set to half the memory of the node computer with a minimum of 4GB and a maximum of 32GB.

  4. To change the predefined network port that the nodes use to communicate with other Commvault services, in the Port box, enter the port number.

    The default port is 20000. You can use any port number from 20000 to 65535.

  5. Click Add.

  6. Click Next.


  1. Review the summary.

  2. Click Finish.

What to Do Next

If you added the Index Server for a Data Insights solution, create a data classification plan and use the Index Server in the plan. If you added the Index Server for a different solution, see the documentation for that solution to determine how to use the Index Server.

Load Balancing Nodes