The Databases guided setup guides you through creating a backup plan and adding a DB2 database server.
Go to the Databases Guided Setup
From the navigation pane, go to Guided setup.
The Welcome page appears.
On the Protect tab, in the databases tile, click Configure.
The Configure Database Server page appears.
Select DB2 and click Next.
Create a Backup Plan for DB2
The backup plan defines how often the software backs up the database and the log files, and where it stores the backups.
If you already have a backup plan that you can use, you can skip this step.
Before You Begin
To create a backup plan, you must have the Plan creator role assigned to your user account.
On the Create backup plan dialog box, specify the settings for a backup plan that you can use for the DB2 instance.
Plan name
Enter the following information:
Choose whether to create a new backup plan or use a base plan.
If you selected Create a new plan, in the Plan name, enter a name for the backup plan.
If you selected Use existing base plan, specify the backup plan name and select a base plan.
Backup destinations
Click Add copy.
The Add copy dialog box appears.
In Name, enter a name for the backup destination.
From the Storage list, select the storage to use for the backups.
You can use the Air Gap Protect cool storage class for creating secondary copies, but not for creating primary copies.
To specify the start time for backups on a specific date and later, move the Backups On and After toggle key to the right.
For Retention rules, enter the amount of time to retain the backups.
To specify additional backups, such as weekly full backups, move the Extended retention rules toggle key to the right, and then add rules.
Click Save.
To add additional regions to the backup destination, move the Multi-region toggle key to the right, and then select the regions.
You can also add more regions and associate the storage copy to the region.
For Backup frequency, click Add.
The Add backup frequency dialog box appears.
From the Backup type list, select the backup type, and from the for list, select All agents or Databases.
Specify the frequency of the backup.
To specify the client time zone, full backup database frequency, or to add exceptions, move the Advanced toggle key to the right, and do the following:
From the time zone list, select the time zone according to which the backups must run.
If you select incremental or differential backup type for all agents or databases, to modify the full backup frequency of the database, specify a value for Run full backup on databases every option.
To add exceptions when the backups must not run, click Exceptions, and then add exceptions for any day of a month or week or schedule an exception for any week of the month.
Exceptions repeat every week or month according to the selected exception.
To modify the transaction log frequency, or enable disk cache for log backups, in the Run transaction log for databases field, click Edit
For Transaction log, specify how often to run log backups.
To automatically back up the database logs to the MediaAgent cache, move the Advance toggle button to the right and do the following:
Move the Use disk cache for log backups toggle key to the right.
For Commit every, enter how often to commit the logs to the CommServe computer.
Disk caching of database logs applies to the following databases: Informix, Microsoft SQL Server on Windows, Oracle, Oracle RAC, and SAP HANA
The database schedules are available only if the backup plan is applicable to database solution and only one transaction log schedule can be added to that specific backup plan.
For Backup window (if incremental and differential backups are supported for the workload), specify when you want incremental and differential backups to run.
For Full backup window, specify when you want full backups to run.
Click Save.
Add a DB2 Database Server
On the Configure Database Servers page, under Add Database Server section, click Add.
The Add database server dialog box opens.
In the Host name box, enter the host name of the database.
Select an OS type from the following:
Unix is selected by default.
If you do not move Use saved credentials toggle to right, enter the following details:
In the Username and Password boxes, enter the credentials to connect to the server.
For a Windows server, enter the username as domain_nameusername.
To grant write access to a UNIX group, such as the dba group, in the UNIX group box, enter the name of the group to give permissions to.
If you move Use saved credentials toggle to right, from Credential list, you can select a saved credential or add a new credential.
Steps to add a credential
Click +.
The Add Credential dialog box appears.
In the Account type box, the Linux account is selected by default.
From the Credential Vault list, select a credential vault to store, share, and update account credentials with shared resources in your environment.
In the Credential name box, enter a unique name to access the credential.
In the User account box, enter the user account that access to the MySQL server.
In the Password/Passphrase box, enter the password for the user account.
In the Description box, enter a brief description for the credential.
Click SAVE.
If you select OS as Windows.
From Credential list, select a saved credential or add a new credential.
Click SAVE.
To grant write access to a UNIX group, such as the dba group, in the UNIX group box, type the name of the group.
In the SSH port number box, enter the port number.
To use a SSH key, do the following:
Move the Use SSH key toggle key to the right.
In the SSH key path box, enter the path for the SSH key. Alternately, you can click SELECT FILE button to define a path.
To use a passphrase for the SSH key, do the following:
Move the Use SSH key file passphrase toggle key to the right.
In the Passphrase box, enter the passphrase for the SSH key.
In the Advanced options section, enter the following details:
Installation path: Define the installation path of the server.
Index Cache: Define a index cache for the server.
It is recommended that the index cache folder must have a free space of at least 400GB.
DB2 Log path: Define a DB2 log file storage path.
Click Save.