Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB

You can use the Commvault software to back up and restore databases and collections in Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB API RU-based accounts. Provisioned, autoscale, and serverless Cosmos DB deployments are supported.

Key Features

  • You can back up and restore individual collections, or all the collections using the collection group in an account or collections that belong to single or multiple accounts.

  • During backups and restores, if the primary access node is not accessible, you can automatically fail over the access node.

  • You can use multiple access nodes to distribute backup and restore operations. This allows you to run operations in parallel.


Data You Can Back Up

  • Databases

  • Collections

  • Full accounts

Backups You Can Perform

  • Full backups

  • Incremental backups

When You Can Perform Backups

  • On a schedule: The backup plan that you assign manages scheduled backups.

  • On demand: You can perform on-demand backups at any time.


Data You Can Restore

  • Databases

  • Collections

Backups You Can Use for Restores

  • The most recent backup: For example, restore the most recent backup to its original location

  • A backup from a specific date: For example, restore data to a point in time before it became unusable

  • Backups from a date range: For example, restore data that was accidentally deleted

Destinations You Can Restore To

  • The current location (in place)

  • A different location (out of place):

    • The same Azure Cosmos DB account

    • Different Azure Cosmos DB accounts in the same Azure subscription

    • A different Azure subscription

  • With a different database name or collection name

APIs Used To Connect to Cosmos DB Accounts

Azure Cosmos DB Resource Provider REST APIs:

  • Commvault uses these APIs for content browse operations, when listing accounts, databases, and the underlying collections.

  • Commvault uses these management plane APIs to create a database or a collection during restore operations, or to update throughput settings during restore operations.

Azure Cosmos DB Change Streams:

  • Commvault uses MongoDB native C# drivers and change streams APIs for backup and restore operations on collections.
