Setting Quotas for File Systems


Administrators or users with User Management permissions can set file system quotas for users and user groups.


A user will appear in the Users list only after logging on to the CommCell at least one time.

The Quota feature checks for client owners whose overall file system backup usage (see Backup Usage Calculation) exceeds their quota (see Determining a User's Effective Quota). Owners who exceed 90 percent of their quota receive a warning email. Those who have exceeded their quota by more than 10 percent receive an alert email and cannot run backups until either:

  • Their usage falls below the quota when they delete some data on their owned clients

  • CommCell administrative staff increase their quota

Backups do not start for clients owned by users whose usage is more than 10 percent over quota.


  • A user continues to be backed when over quota, provided the amount of excess is not more than 10 percent. Warning emails are sent as long as the user is over 90 percent, but below 110 percent of quota. At or above 110 percent, the alert email is sent, notifying the user that owned clients are no longer being backed up.

  • Immediately after setting quotas, the quota usage is checked at the end of any running backup jobs. Then, quota usage is checked before beginning full, incremental and differential backup jobs. Synthetic Full backup jobs run without checking quota usage.

There are two operations to the process of setting up quotas:

The order of these operations is not important, as long as both have been completed.

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