SAP for Oracle Restore Job Restartability


By default, restore jobs that you perform from the CommCell Console resume from the beginning of the job. To restart the restores from the point of failure use the command line brrestore procedure.

Restart Data Restores from the Failure Point for In-Place and Out-of-Place Restores

Use the following commands to restore the remaining files from the latest backup job. You can view the BR*Tools log files for the CommCell Console restores to see what data was partially restored.

The details files are generally located on the client in the sapbackup folder.

brrestore -d util_file -f <restore detail file> -c force -u /


brrestore -d util_file -f rewtbpjz.rsb, rewtbqls.rsb  -c force -u /

Restore from a Point-in-Time Backup Job

Use the following commands to restore the remaining files from a point-in-time backup job.

brrestore -d util_file -b <backupdetail file> -f <previousrestored data detail file> -c force -u /


brrestore -d util_file -b bewtloeq.anf -f rewtbpjz.rsb, rewtbqls.rsb  -c force -u /


Use the following commands to restore the files from the point of failure. Check the detail file and find the files that need to be restored.

brrestore -d rman_util -m  '<datafile path>’,’ <datafile path>’, -c force -u /


brrestore -d rman_util -m '/database/oracle114/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/CER/sapdata1/system_1/test2126_01.dbf', '/database/oracle114/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/CER/sapdata1/btabd_1/btabd.data2' -c force -u /

Restore the Archive Logs for In-Place and Out-of-Place Restores with the Same Directory Structure as the Source


Use the following commands to restore the remaining files.

brrestore -d util_file -f <log restore detailfile> -a <startlogrange>-<endlogrange> -c force -u /


brrestore -d util_file -a 120-250 -c force -u /


brrestore -d util_file -a <startlogrange>-<endlogrange> -c force -u /

Restore the Archive Logs for Out-of-Place Restores with a Different Directory Structure from the Source


Use the following commands to restore the remaining files.

brrestore -d util_file -f <log restore detailfile> -a <startlogrange>-<endlogrange> =<destination archivelog directory> -c force -u /


brrestore -d util_file -f rewuobix.rsa -a 179-192=-/database/oracle114/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_2/CER/saparch/CERarch -c force -u /


Use the following commands to restore the remaining files.

brrestore -d rman_util -a <startlogrange>-<endlogrange> =<destination archivelog directory> -c force -u /


brrestore -d rman_util -a 179-192=-/database/oracle114/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_2/CER/saparch/CERarch -c force -u /

If you need to rename a datafile, then create an SQL script that contains all data file rename commands. Then, run the script by connecting to sqlplus.