Enabling CommCell Console Authentication of Third Party Command Line Jobs


This procedure applies to the following agents:

  • DB2

  • Informix

  • Oracle

  • Oracle RAC


  • SAP MaxDB

  • SAP Oracle

Use this additional setting when you want the CommCell Console to authenticate third party database (for example, RMAN) backup and restore jobs to ensure that the user has the correct credentials and has included a valid token file in the job request.

Best Practice: Inform users that when they use third party command line operations, they must use qlogin (with the -f option) to generate a token file and then supply the token file in the third party command line operations.


When you enable this additional setting for jobs that run on a DB2 database, you must enable this setting on the client, instance and database so that the backup and restore jobs that run from the CommCell Console can retrieve the logs.


  • To the CommServe computer, add the JM_ENABLE_THIRD_PARTY_JOB_AUTHENTICATION additional setting as shown in the following table.

    For instructions on how to add additional settings from the CommCell Console, see Add or Modify an Additional Setting.










    To have the CommCell Console authenticate jobs, type 1.

Configuring DB2 and DB2 MultiNode for CommCell Console Third-Party Job Authentication

Configuring Oracle for CommCell Console Third-Party Job Authentication

Configuring Oracle RAC for CommCell Console Third-Party Job Authentication

Configuring SAP HANA for CommCell Console Third-Party Job Authentication

Configuring SAP MaxDB for CommCell Console Third-Party Job Authentication

Configuring SAP Oracle for CommCell Console Third-Party Job Authentication

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