The data source dashboard shows information about the levels of risk associated with the source data. To access the dashboard, click a data source from the project details page.
What You Can Do
You can perform the following actions on the dashboard:
User Goal |
Steps |
Download tiles as .png files. |
In the upper right of the tile, click the down arrow, and then click Download chart. |
View the tile in full screen mode. |
In the upper right of the tile, click the full screen button To exit full screen mode, in the upper right of the page, click Exit full screen. |
Filter the dashboard based on a data group (such as Critical files in the Sensitivity tile). |
In the tile, click the data group. For example, in the Sensitivity tile, click the Critical bar. The dashboard tiles and the review page are updated based on your selections. To remove your selections, in the upper right of the tile, click Clear. |
Zoom in and out of a map. |
In the lower left of the tile, click the plus + and minus - on the zoom controls. |
The information on the data source dashboard depends on the type of data source.
File System, Google Drive, OneDrive, and SharePoint
Name |
Description |
Type |
Total Files |
The total number of files crawled in the data source. |
number |
Sensitive Files |
The number of files that contain one or more sensitive entities. |
number |
Size |
The total size of the data in the data source. |
number |
Owners |
The total number of owners associated with the data source. |
number |
Sensitivity |
The distribution of the number of files by the level of sensitive entities that they contain. For example, the chart shows the number of files that contain entities where the sensitivity is set to Critical. |
chart |
Files By Entity |
The distribution of files by the type of personally identifiable information (PII) in the files. |
chart |
Risks |
The distribution of files by the level of violations that they contain:
For files that have multiple violations, the higher level takes precedence. For example, if a file was created more than five years ago and was not backed up, it is only marked as Critical. |
chart |
Files By Risks |
The distribution of files by the risks identified in the files. |
chart |
Violations by Location |
The locations of the servers where the files are located. Larger circles on the map indicate that a larger number of servers are located there relative to other locations. |
map |
Sensitive Files by Department |
The distribution of the number of files by various departments defined in the domain. |
chart |
Protected Files |
The percentage of files that are located on servers with a Commvault agent installed. |
chart |
Modified Time |
Displays how long ago files were modified as measured in years. For example, a data source contains 82 files that were modified 4 to 5 years ago. |
chart |
Created Time |
Displays how old files are as measured in years. For example, a data source contains 126 files that were created 2 to 3 years ago. |
chart |
Sensitivity Score |
The distribution of files by the sensitivity score. The sensitivity score for a file is calculated based on the number of entities in the file and the sensitivity level of the entities in the file. |
chart |
Expiration |
The distribution of files sorted by their expiration. |
chart |
Exchange and Gmail
Name |
Description |
Type |
Total Emails |
The total number of email messages crawled in the data source. |
number |
Sensitive Emails |
The number of email messages that contain one or more sensitive entities. |
number |
Total Mailboxes |
The total number of mailboxes crawled in the data source. |
number |
Total Senders |
The total number of users who sent email messages. |
number |
Sensitivity |
A chart of the distribution of the number of email messages by the level of sensitive entities that they contain. For example, the chart shows the number of email messages that contain entities where the sensitivity is set to Critical. |
chart |
Entities |
A chart of the distribution of email messages by the type of personally identifiable information (PII) in the email messages. |
chart |
Senders |
The users who sent email messages that contain PII. |
name |
Receivers |
The users who received email messages that contain PII. |
name |
Mailboxes |
The name of the mailboxes that contain PII. |
name |
Attachments |
The number of sensitive email messages that have an attachment, and the number of sensitive email message that do not have an attachment. |
number |
Sensitivity by Location |
The locations of the servers where the emails are located. Larger circles on the map indicate that a larger number of servers are located there relative to other locations. |
map |
Sensitive Emails |
The email message subjects for email messages that contain sensitive data. |
word cloud |
Received Time |
Displays when the email messages were received. |
chart |
Name |
Description |
Type |
Total Servers |
The total number of servers crawled in the data source. |
number |
Total Databases |
The total number of databases crawled in the data source. |
number |
Total Tables |
The total number of tables crawled in the data source. |
number |
Total Columns |
The total number of columns crawled in the data source. |
number |
Sensitivity |
The distribution of the number of columns by the level of sensitive entities that they contain. For example, the chart shows the number of columns that contain entities where the sensitivity is set to Critical. |
chart |
Columns by Entity |
The distribution of columns by the type of personally identifiable information (PII) in the columns. |
chart |
Tables by Entity |
The distribution of tables by the type of personally identifiable information (PII) in the tables. |
chart |
Servers |
The number of servers containing personally identifiable information (PII). |
number |
Databases |
The number of databases containing personally identifiable information (PII). |
number |
Tables |
The number of tables containing personally identifiable information (PII). |
number |
Columns |
The number of columns containing personally identifiable information (PII). |
number |