Viewing Admin Job History

Use the Admin Job History option to view the history of administration jobs from the CommCell level and the Client level.

  • CommCell level: View the job history for all Data Management, Data Recovery and Content Indexing jobs in the CommCell environment. For a list of the job types available in the Admin Job History Filter dialog box, see Job History - Online Help - Admin Job History Filter.

  • Client level: View the job history for install related jobs for a particular client computer. The following are the job types available in the Admin Job History Filter dialog box:

    • Install/Remove Updates

    • Download/Copy Software

    • Install/Upgrade/Remove Software

    • Virtualize Me


From the CommCell Level

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the CommCell node and click View > Admin Job History.

  2. From the Job Type section of the Admin Job History Filter dialog box, select:

    • All to view all job types.

    • a specific job type, for example, Data Verification.

  3. Click OK.

    The Admin Job History window displays the history for the selected job type.

From the Client Level

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the Client and click View > Admin Job History.

  2. From the Job Type section of the Admin Job History Filter dialog box, select:

    • All to view all job types.

    • a specific job type, for example, Install/Remove Updates.

  3. Click OK.

    The Admin Job History window displays the history for selected job type.
