Service Packs

A service pack is a collection of new features, enhancements to existing features, and enhancements for product stabilization. Each service pack also contains a cumulative set of hotfixes that were released after the previous service pack version. Service packs are available in a 90-day cycle. Every service pack undergoes full regression testing prior to release.

Commvault fully supports customers on the five most recent service packs. For more information on the service pack lifecycle support policy, see Obsolescence Policy.

The documentation web site is updated whenever a service pack is released. The updates to the documentation web site include revisions, corrections, and new feature documentation.


You are not required to have the latest service pack installed in order to raise or escalate a Ticket Request (TR) with Customer Support. In some cases, Customer Support might request that you install the latest service pack if the service pack contains a fix, or if it helps in the diagnostic process.

Hotfix Pack

A hotfix pack is a collection of hotfixes that are targeted at resolving specific critical issues that might cause major disruptions to operations.

A new hotfix pack is available every week.

Long-Term Support (LTS) Releases

Starting with Service Pack 16, every fourth release will be an LTS release, entitled to extended LTS support. This LTS support will include critical stability bug fixes only and will not include any new features or other enhancements.

LTS releases will have a support life time of up to five (5) years. New features and other valuable enhancements will continue to be made available at quarterly cadence through the service pack releases, and will not be backported to prior LTS releases. All service pack releases go through rigorous test cycles and are released only after they meet the high quality expectations of Commvault.

Commvault recommends installing the most recent Long-Term Support (LTS) release.
