Replication for Virtual Machines

With the Virtualization solution, you can configure virtual machines (VMs) for replication to one or more secondary sites. Replication uses backups of primary VMs to create destination VMs, and uses continued incremental backups to keep destination VMs updated.

Source sites can be VMware, Azure, or Microsoft Hyper-V.

Destination sites can be VMware, Amazon, Azure, or Microsoft Hyper-V.

Replication is also referred to as Live Sync.


  • After you perform VM conversion or replication operations to Amazon EC2 using the HotAdd method, a Windows instance restarts when a user logs on to the instance for the first time. The restart is required to initialize drivers that are added to the instances during the operation.

  • Before you convert a VM from a non-Azure hypervisor using a "restore as" operation or a Live Sync operation, verify that the source VM meets the requirements for non-endorsed distributions. This verification is important because Linux VMs that are based on an endorsed distribution of Azure have the prerequisites that enable them to run on Azure, but VMs that originate from other hypervisors might not. For more information, see Information for Non-Endorsed Distributions.

  • For conversion to Azure or Azure Stack: The operating system for the destination VM must be an operating system that is supported for Azure.
