Online Help for Log Files

Send Log Files (Computers)

Use this dialog box to select job IDs and computer options.

Job ID

Select this option to send the log files for jobs based on the job ID assigned by the Job Manager. Separate each job ID with a comma (,), semicolon (;), or space.

  • If selected, only the logs associated with the job IDs are included.

  • If cleared, logs from all jobs run on the selected computers are included.

This option is turned off by default.


Select this option to send the log files of one or more computers.

Show only selected

Select this option to view only those computers that you selected in the Computers list.

Search Content

Select this option to enable searching the log files and returning only those lines that match a given text string.

Search Text

Enter the text string to be searched for in the log files.

Send Log Files (CommCell Information)

Use this dialog box to select the CommCell information you wish to include with the log files, if any.

CommServe Database

When selected, this option includes the CommServe database log files.

Get Latest Database(s)

When selected, this option runs a new disaster recovery backup on the CommServ database, and then includes the latest database log files.

Database Logs

When selected, this option includes the error logs from the CommServe Database Engine. Database dump files are not included in the Send Log Files bundle that is sent through email.

Other Databases (CVCloud, Workflow)

When selected, this option includes the log files for the CVCloud database, the Workflow database, and other databases created for Commvault software.

Send Log Files (Machine Information)

Use this dialog box to select system configuration and performance logs to be included with the log files, if any.


Select this option if you wish to include logs for jobs. If logs are sent for the CommServe, existing globalflaginfo.log files are included. Globalflaginfo.log files are created by the Microsoft Global Flags Editor (GFlags) debugging tool. For information on GFlags, go to the Microsoft Developer Network website.

  • Log Fragments for this job only

    Select this option if you wish to include logs for a specific job.

Machine Configuration

Select this option if you want to include information such as the number volumes, amount of used space, and how many processes are running on the CommServe computer.

OS Logs

Select this option if you want to include file system and application event information, including the event logs.

Process Dump

Select this option to include a system failure dump. For example: the Dr. Watsons file for Windows or core files for UNIX.

Job Results

Select this option if you want to include job results from the CommServe computer. The Job Results option also includes backup.out/restore.out files.


Select this option if you want to include the index that was created during the selected backup job, or the latest index created for the selected client or subclient.

Include database used for Optimized Scan

Select this option if you want to include the database used for the Optimized Scan feature.

Scrub Log Files

Masks host names, IP addresses, and Windows and UNIX file paths in the collected log files by replacing them with the text, "Masked."

Send Log Files (ESX Hosts)

Use this tab to specify which ESX logs to send.


Click this button to open the Browse dialog box.

Browse Dialog Box

In this dialog box, select the ESX hosts that you want to send log files for. Click OK to close the dialog box.


Use this button to remove ESX hosts from the list. Select an ESX host in the list, and then click Remove.

Send Log Files (Output)

Use this dialog box to send or save the log files.

Upload to HTTPS

Allows you to send the log files to the default HTTPS location configured in the CommCell Console Control Panel.

Output To

Allows you to save the log files to a location on the CommCell or to another computer on the network.

  • Local Path

    Select this option to send log files to a location on your computer.

  • Network Path

    Select this option to send log files to another computer in your network.

  • Impersonate User

    Click to open the Change User Account dialog box to configure the user account and password that is used to access the network path.

  • Browse

    Allows you to navigate the directory to which you want to save the log files.

Attach Logs to Emails (not recommended)

Select this option to attach the log files to an email. Log files can be large files, and emails with large file attachments are often rejected by email servers. Therefore, we do not recommend you send log files as an email attachment.

Send Log Files (Notification)


If you anticipate the size of the log files will exceed the limits set by the designated mail server, you can configure the software to send portions of the log files through multiple e-mail notifications. Once the e-mail notifications are received, the receiver can concatenate the log files and view them in their entirety.

  • Available Users and User Groups

    Users that are able to receive notifications.

  • Users to be Notified

    Add or remove users within the domain that should receive notifications using the arrow buttons provided.

  • Additional Recipients

    If you want to send the log files to anyone else, type the e-mail addresses in this box.

  • Include me in Email

    Select this check box to have the software automatically send you the notifications.

  • Subject (Ticket Number)

    Type a subject or ticket number to be included in the subject line.

Problem Description

In this box, type the details of the specific problem encountered.

Send Log Files (Job Initiation)

Use this dialog box to configure scheduling options.


Specifies this job will run immediately.


Specifies this job will be scheduled. When you click Configure, the Schedule Details dialog box will open and allow you to configure the schedule pattern.

Save As Script

Click to open the Save As Script dialog, which allows you to save this operation and the selected options as a script file (in XML format). The script can later be executed from the Command Line Interface using qoperation execute command.

When you save an operation as a script, each option in the dialog will have a corresponding xml parameter in the script file. When executing the script, you can modify the value for any of these XML parameters as per need.

Select the Log File to Open

Use this dialog box to view the log files of the selected CommCell resource.

The files that reside on a given computer may differ depending on the role of the computer in the CommCell (CommServe, MediaAgent, Client). A CommServe computer contains only the CommServe log files. A computer that is both a CommServe and a Client contains the log files of both entities.

Logs by Job ID

Use this dialog box to view the log files of a specific job based on the job ID assigned by the Job Manager.

Enter Job ID

The ID of the job.

SMTP Parameters

Use the SMTP Parameters dialog box to send a log file to a remote computer. The SMTP Parameters dialog box contains the following fields:


The host where the email server exists.


The recipient's email address.


Your email address.


The subject of the email.
