Instant Messages

The CommCell Console offers an instant messaging feature to communicate with the users connected to the CommServe using a CommCell Console. This feature is useful when you want to notify the users about operations, for example, restarting the services on the CommServe or installing updates on the clients.

This feature is not available for users who are connected to the CommCell using the Command Line Interface. However, you will be able to view the users who connected from the Command Line Interface.

Sending Instant Messages

You can send instant messages to any user who has logged on to the CommServe using the CommCell Console. Follow the steps given below to send an instant message:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right click the CommServe node and select View > Users Logged In.

  2. Right-click the user to whom you want to send the message and click Send Message.

  3. Type the message and press Enter.

    The message is sent to the user. The user can view the message in the CommCell Console.

You can also send an instant message to a user from the Security node in the CommCell Browser:

  1. Go to the Security node and click CommCell Users.

  2. Right-click the user to whom you want to send the message and click Send Message.

  3. Type the message and press Enter.

Saving a Chat Conversation

You can save your conversation in a Rich Text Format (.rtf) document using the following steps:

  1. After chatting with a user, use the ctrl+s command to save your conversation. Ensure the cursor is in the chat window.

  2. Click OK to the warning pop up window.

  3. From the Save dialog box, select the folder where you want to save the conversation and specify the file name for the .rtf file.

    By default, the file is saved as conversation.rtf.

  4. Click Save.

    Your conversation is saved in the specified location.

Recording All Chat Conversations in a Log File

As the administrator, you can configure the CommServe to log all the chat conversations that take place in the CommCell.

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the CommServe node and then click Properties.

    The CommCell Properties dialog box appears.

  2. Click the Additional Settings tab and then click Add.

    The Add Additional Settings on Windows Client dialog box appears.

  3. In the Name box, type ChatLogAlive. The Category and Type details will be automatically populated.

    Alternatively, you can click Lookup and search for the additional setting using the Find box.

  4. In the Value box, type 1.

  5. Click OK to save the additional setting configuration.

  6. Click OK to close the CommCell Properties dialog box.

    The CommServe starts recording all conversations in the Chat.log file located in the Software_Installation_Directory/Log Files folder.

The ChatLogAlive additional setting is polled every 60 minutes to check whether it is enabled. You can change the frequency of this polling using the following steps:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the CommServe node and then click Properties.

    The CommCell Properties dialog box appears.

  2. Click the Additional Settings tab and then click Add.

    The Add Additional Settings on Windows Client dialog box appears.

  3. In the Name box, type ChatLogTimer. The Category and Type details will be automatically populated.

    Alternatively, you can click Lookup and search for the additional setting using the Find box.

  4. In the Value box, type a value between 1 and 86400 seconds, the default value is 3600 seconds.

  5. Click OK to save the additional setting configuration.

  6. Click OK to close the CommCell Properties dialog box.

    The CommServe starts checking the whether the ChatLogAlive key is enabled at the selected frequency.

Enabling or Disabling Instant Messaging

You can enable or disable instant messaging using the following steps:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the CommServe node and then click Properties.

  2. Click the Additional Settings tab on the CommCell Properties dialog box and then click Add.

  3. In the Add Additional Settings on Windows Client dialog box, type bdisableChatInGUI in the Name box. The Category and Type details will be automatically populated.

    Alternatively, click Lookup and search for the additional setting using the Find box.

  4. In the Value box, select false to enable chat or true to disable chat. The default setting is false.

  5. Click OK to save the additional setting configuration.

  6. Click OK to close the CommCell Properties dialog box.
